As an example of the work I have done for liberty and my passions, this download page has one-pagers on the various bills I shopped and worked on as I talked to legislators during the 2021 Texas Legislative Session. One of my favorite classes in law school was Legislation. I love crafting bills that will secure the rights of Texans.
Protecting the Unalienable Right to Decline Vaccination - We need to put explicit protection for this unenumerated right in the Texas Bill of Rights. I had no takers at the beginning of the session. I bet a lot more are interested now!
Real Homestead Exemption - constitutional amendment to stop using forced sales on homesteads to collect on past due property taxes. Introduced by Terry Wilson as HJR 43.
Protecting Our Natural Right to Hold and Exchange the Currency of Our Choice - constitutional amendment to add the natural right to hold and exchange our media-of-exchange of choice, including gold, silver, bullion, cash, digital currency, and scrip. Introduced as HJR 100 by Rep. Tan Parker and in the Senate as SJR 55 by Senator Brandon Creighton.
Turning Texas Into a Sanctuary State for the Constitution - the Texas Sovereignty Act, which has a detailed plan for stopping the feds from violating the U.S. Constitution in Texas. Introduced by Rep. Cecil Bell, Jr. as HB 1215. (See also my website
Protecting the Rights of Jurors and those Accused of a Crime - A bill to strengthen the practice of jury nullification to protect liberty and do justice against government overreach. Introduced as HB 2915 by Rep. Mike Schofield. (See also my website
Protecting Texans Against Subversion of Our Constitutions and Defending Rule of Law - Called the Texas Rule of Law Enforcement Act, this bill sought to give independent prosecutorial authority on key statutes that outside-controlled big county district attorneys have proven they are unwilling to prosecute. The bill was introduced as HB 2916 by Rep. Mike Schofield.
Corralling Executive Overreach
Unlike most of my other work this session, I did not write a draft bill to be ntroduced in the legislature in 2021. Rather, I worked with the authors of the major bills to seek to improve them. But, you can see the evolution of my thinking on how and why we should resist COVID tyranny and executive overreach at the Texas Free Press.
Protecting the Texas Grid
We worked to support Senator Hall with his All Hazards grid protection bill (SB 1606) and were prepared to help Rep. Matt Shaheen had his House companion bill ever been heard by the House State Affairs Committee. Senator Hall's bill died without a hearing in the House State Affairs Committee after it passed the Senate.