Resolutions for County/SD Conventions This Weekend and State Convention
The Republican Party of Texas and its county parties have several important roles to play. One of the most important is the bottom-up, grassroots process for creating its platform and legislative priorities.
The legislative priorities are especially important, providing a way for the RPT to become a key stakeholder in the Texas legislative process.
In this email I offer proposed resolutions that you may want to introduce in your county or senate district convention this coming Saturday, March 23. I am writing to a statewide audience. Some counties and SDs are already on their way in the process, having already had their precinct conventions. Bastrop and Caldwell Counties in HD 17 are in that boat.
But other places -- usually smaller counties like Lee, Burleson, and Milam Counties in HD 17 -- will have both precinct and county conventions this coming Saturday, March 23. See schedules and locations for HD 17 counties at the end of this email.
See links to suggested resolutions associated with each title below and a bit of discussion about them. You can download the PDF for use in your convention process.
Legislative Priority Resolution Suggestions
Because of lack of time, I will not provide rationale for these. Hopefully the reasons these should make the priority cut will be already apparent.
Let Texans Run Texas Priority
Monetary Freedom Priority
Vaccine Freedom Priority
Axe Property Tax Priority
Election Integrity Priority
Grid Hardening Priority
Closed Primary Priority
Grassroots America/We the People has also put up a website page with proposed resolutions from conservative Texas organizations.
Platform Changes or Additions
Water Resources Plank Change
I think it important that all the counties of HD 17 pass this resolution.
Border Resolution
Another thing done at the state convention is to pass a very few topical resolutions. Such usually gain national attention. In 2022, the two that made it through Platform Committee and adopted by the entire State Convention called out that the 2020 election was stolen and censured John Cornyn for his anti-gun votes.
I think that this convention, the most important resolution we can have is to make a full-throated call for Texas to exercise our Article I, Section 10 natural and constitutional right to self defense against the border invasion even if the federal judiciary has entered a stay or opined that Texas cannot defend itself. Click here to see the border resolution.
HD 17 Convention Schedules and Locations
Lee County
I am the Resolutions Committee Chair at the Lee County Republican Convention. If you voted in the Republican Primary in Lee County, I hope you will join us.
Location: The Lions Den, 1623 FM 141, Giddings ( map )
Precinct Conventions: 10:00 am
County Convention: 1:00 pm
Burleson County
Location: Cooks Point Community Center, 300 FM 1362, Caldwell ( map )
Precinct Conventions: 10:00 am
County Convention: following Precinct Conventions
Milam County
Location: Milam County Annex, 806 N Crockett Ave, Cameron ( map )
Precinct Conventions: 9:00 am
County Convention: following Precinct Conventions
Caldwell County
Location: First Lockhart Baptist Church Connections Center, 200 S Blanco St, Lockhart ( map )
County Convention: 10:00 am
Note that to participate in the county convention you must have been already named a delegate at the precinct conventions already held. Observers I am sure are welcome.
Bastrop County
Location: Family Worship Center, 2425 FM 1704, Elgin ( map )
County Convention: 9:00 am
Note that to participate in the county convention you must have been already named a delegate at the precinct conventions already held. Observers I am sure are welcome.
State Convention
Whether you are a delegate or not, you can present to the Platform and Legislative Priorities Committees at the State Convention at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio. The committees will probably be taking testimony on Tuesday, May 20 through Thursday, May 23. The convention starts on Thursday, May 23 and goes through Saturday, May 25.
Toward liberty,
Tom Glass